Saturday, September 22, 2007

Arr! Ye Scalliwag! Hands off me booty!

My friend and I are stuck on a pirate kick lately at work. For all of you that don't know, I schedule appointments for service repair on luxury car lines. It started with me telling her a joke on Wednesday. Here's the joke:
A pirate walks into a bar with a parrot on his shoulder, a peg leg, and a steering wheel on the front of his pants. The bartender asked, "Do you realize you have a steering wheel on the front of your pants?" Replied the pirate, "Arr, yes! It's driving me nuts!"

The funny thing was that I had no idea that the next day was National Talk Like a Pirate day. With this in mind, our emails turned into a laugh fest and a great inside joke!


My Friend~ oh! how funny would it have been (shoulda thought of this yesterday) if you'd answered all your calls in a pirate voice? or made all your calls in a pirate voice? that would have been funny. DANGIT!
Me~ "Arr, matey! Let me see what I can do for ye! There be an opening tomorrow! ARR! Me compooter frozen again!" *parrot squawks*
Friend~ "Arr, I not be having any loan cars fer another week, dontcha know? Arr, matey, stop bein' so pushy - my one eye is waterin' from looking at the screen so long! Arrr!"
(We then used a website for finding pirate names)
Me~ Cap'n Abigail Greasepalms at ye service, ma`am!
Friend~ Right back at ya, Pirate Bella the Bitter

Now all we need a couple of eye patches and missing teeth. Next week's to do list...

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