Saturday, November 3, 2007

Virus, No World for Tomorrow

I haven't been able to get on the internet for a while now because I've had a virus on my 'puter. Yucky sicky virus! fucker...

Now for the GOOD NEWS!!!!: Coheed's new album, (wait for's a long one) Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV. Volume II: No World for Tomorrow is so beyond awesome that I can't even find the correct word to explain it. It's just so damn good. I can't stop listening to it. The best work from them to date. I am on a quest today to see if I can find the fourth comic to complete my soul. ;) This has made me happy, you see?

Everything else in my life has been good. No complaints. Well, some but why post them here? It's a blog, you say? True. But I just don't feel like complaining. I need to celebrate life and enjoy the time that God has granted me and go listen to some more Coheed. ;)

Farewell for now,

Krista Dawn

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