Saturday, September 29, 2007

Hum Hallelujah

Good late afternoon, almost evening!

This past week was entertaining enough considering 80% was spent at work. This is okay because I have a job that I actually like going to everyday. The bad part is that my stomach doesn't like me sitting there all day. I think that I'm going to have to speak to my doctor about this. Hopefully he might have a better solution for me.

I did some babysitting last night. I was so sure that I would be ready to pull my hair out but actually it was fun! They (a 2 year old girl and 1 year old boy) were so behaved and I loved watching them dance and play! Putting aside my irritation for watching SpongeBob Squarepants for 2 hours straight, I actually think I could be ready for Mommy Hood. I bit my tongue and lip while they got graham crackers on my carpet and closed my nose to their unbelievably horrid gas. I told myself to lighten up. "Life is too short to be worrying over the mess they made. You can clean it up when they go to bed!"

I'm proud of my husband for being so determined and strong. He works so hard and still has time to be goofy around me. I wish that he wouldn't push himself to the brink of exaustion, but at least he's not on an episode of Cops. One could only wish for their 5 minutes of fame, huh?

I'm done with randomly typing words to fill the space. I need a new CD to listen to...Hmm...


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