Sunday, December 30, 2007

List of Resolutions W/Fun Graphics

I have been sitting here wondering if I should have a New Year's resolution. Why? Do we ever keep them anyway? Not really. So just to go with the tradition, I'll say that this next year, I'm going to try and not let events in my life affect me emotionally as they have done. Whatever, right?

1. Work out more
2. Read more books
3. Stop being so critical
4. Play with Samus

Yeah, whatever...

Sunday, November 25, 2007

NO MORE VIRUS!!! For now...

I'm proud to say that I am virus free! Well maybe not completely... My metal contraption (the computer) is no longer sicky but I think "he" sent it my way. First I had a stomach virus on Friday but now when I started feeling better, I went to bed with a killer stomach ache and a horrible sore (not even the correct term) throat and it's still hurts this morning. I feel like I have the beginning of the flu. WHY??? I was "ill" free and then we get our first snow of the winter, and WHAM!, my immune system shuts down!

I'm going to take a bath and maybe my body will give into relaxtion and I can sleep this off.

~K (more on this at )

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Virus, No World for Tomorrow

I haven't been able to get on the internet for a while now because I've had a virus on my 'puter. Yucky sicky virus! fucker...

Now for the GOOD NEWS!!!!: Coheed's new album, (wait for's a long one) Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV. Volume II: No World for Tomorrow is so beyond awesome that I can't even find the correct word to explain it. It's just so damn good. I can't stop listening to it. The best work from them to date. I am on a quest today to see if I can find the fourth comic to complete my soul. ;) This has made me happy, you see?

Everything else in my life has been good. No complaints. Well, some but why post them here? It's a blog, you say? True. But I just don't feel like complaining. I need to celebrate life and enjoy the time that God has granted me and go listen to some more Coheed. ;)

Farewell for now,

Krista Dawn

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Hum Hallelujah

Good late afternoon, almost evening!

This past week was entertaining enough considering 80% was spent at work. This is okay because I have a job that I actually like going to everyday. The bad part is that my stomach doesn't like me sitting there all day. I think that I'm going to have to speak to my doctor about this. Hopefully he might have a better solution for me.

I did some babysitting last night. I was so sure that I would be ready to pull my hair out but actually it was fun! They (a 2 year old girl and 1 year old boy) were so behaved and I loved watching them dance and play! Putting aside my irritation for watching SpongeBob Squarepants for 2 hours straight, I actually think I could be ready for Mommy Hood. I bit my tongue and lip while they got graham crackers on my carpet and closed my nose to their unbelievably horrid gas. I told myself to lighten up. "Life is too short to be worrying over the mess they made. You can clean it up when they go to bed!"

I'm proud of my husband for being so determined and strong. He works so hard and still has time to be goofy around me. I wish that he wouldn't push himself to the brink of exaustion, but at least he's not on an episode of Cops. One could only wish for their 5 minutes of fame, huh?

I'm done with randomly typing words to fill the space. I need a new CD to listen to...Hmm...


Saturday, September 22, 2007

Arr! Ye Scalliwag! Hands off me booty!

My friend and I are stuck on a pirate kick lately at work. For all of you that don't know, I schedule appointments for service repair on luxury car lines. It started with me telling her a joke on Wednesday. Here's the joke:
A pirate walks into a bar with a parrot on his shoulder, a peg leg, and a steering wheel on the front of his pants. The bartender asked, "Do you realize you have a steering wheel on the front of your pants?" Replied the pirate, "Arr, yes! It's driving me nuts!"

The funny thing was that I had no idea that the next day was National Talk Like a Pirate day. With this in mind, our emails turned into a laugh fest and a great inside joke!


My Friend~ oh! how funny would it have been (shoulda thought of this yesterday) if you'd answered all your calls in a pirate voice? or made all your calls in a pirate voice? that would have been funny. DANGIT!
Me~ "Arr, matey! Let me see what I can do for ye! There be an opening tomorrow! ARR! Me compooter frozen again!" *parrot squawks*
Friend~ "Arr, I not be having any loan cars fer another week, dontcha know? Arr, matey, stop bein' so pushy - my one eye is waterin' from looking at the screen so long! Arrr!"
(We then used a website for finding pirate names)
Me~ Cap'n Abigail Greasepalms at ye service, ma`am!
Friend~ Right back at ya, Pirate Bella the Bitter

Now all we need a couple of eye patches and missing teeth. Next week's to do list...

Thursday, September 20, 2007

I heart Scrubs

Call me crazy but my day is complete when I get to watch J.D. and the gang re-run it up on Comedy Central every evening. Ha to the ha ha.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Music on Cell Phones

If you are going to have me listen to music while I call back your cell phone for a service appointment for your BMW, I would rather not listen to "fuck you up nigga!". Also since I had to sit through that crap, why not sit through another minute or so of ANOTHER offensive rap song until I hear the "BEEP" to leave a message. It was everything in me to be polite on the voicemail. *le sigh*

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Okay I had someone phish my MySpace account. Sending porn to my bulletins and comments is just not (how do I put this?) cool? What do you really get out of it? REALLY? Tell me! What good does it do for YOU???!!!??? Leave me alone. Porn sells well enough on it's own without you invading my privacy to spread it around. If I want to have a dick in my face, I'll just ask my husband. Fuck you and have a nice day.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

For It Is Sunday and I Must Clean

My second blog spot: Read My Thoughts

If you read my other blog "DoubtOn's Domain" then you will know that this blog is for the ten million things running through my brain everyday. I'm always trying to keep myself busy to keep up with my mind. It's like a race car event. Just going fast speed around a track with no stopping anytime soon.

First off, I'm reading "Nineteen Minutes" by Jodi Picoult. I just started this book two days ago and I can tell that I am going to enjoy it. It's about families enduring the heartbreak after a school shooting. I like that this book brings back some familiar characters from past novels. Can't wait to get the good stuff!! I will be joining a book club soon with some co-workers and hopefully will have great time!

Music: I am always willing to try new listenings. I bought Placebo's "Meds" and M.I.A.'s "Kala" recently and very pleased with both. Two different styles of music but fulfilling to me! :) For if you haven't heard of these two artists, you might check out "Running Up That Hill" by Placebo and "Boyz" by M.I.A. Thank goodness for IMF music t.v. channel and MySpace. Otherwise, I would have never heard of this music.

I am super stoked about Coheed and Cambria's "No World for Tomorrow" coming out in October. For all of you that don't know, I'm a huge fan and it's time for some new music and new lyrics to figure out. I also found a belt at Hastings to add to my collection. Don't know if I'll ever wear it but eh, for $2.50, how could I pass this up?

My husband and I are about to start pulling up the carpet in the hall and living room so we can put down tile flooring. I can't wait for the finished project. It always feels good to look back at something completed and say, "I did that."

I need to get off of here and get to work For It Is Sunday and I Must Clean.
